Photo by Roger Schmidt
Agronomy is the science of land management. Agronomists generate, integrate and apply science-based knowledge and principles to crops grown for food, feed, fiber, and fuel that are efficient, environmentally sound, and sustainable for future generations. The mission of the Wisconsin Corn Agronomy program is to answer corn management questions expressed by Wisconsin farmers and industry.
The Wisconsin Corn Agronomy program annually plants and harvests 12,000 to 13,000 plots at 14 locations in Wisconsin. Of these plots, about 3000 are harvested for forage with the remaining harvested for grain. Corn forage and/or grain yield, quality and other agronomic traits are measured on all plots.
Roughly half of the plots involve the Wisconsin Corn Hybrid Evaluation program, The best way to deliver technology to the farm-gate is through hybrids selected by farmers for various traits (i.e. pest resistance, lodging resistance, quality, etc.). Selecting adapted, high-performing hybrids often means the difference between profit and loss. Results of of this work are published every year in November and can be found here.
The other half of the program involves research on farmer management decisions. The results of this work are published every year in February and can be found here. Specific research objectives of this program focus on management
decision-making regarding crop productivity, quality, and production
efficiency including hybrid selection, rotation, tillage systems, and
replant and yield loss damage assessments. Emphasis is on impacts of
cropping practices on grower profitability, the environment, and natural
resource conservation.
Below is a list of projects conducted during 2022.
2022 Weather for Arlington
2022 Weather for Marshfield
Hybrid evaluation
01 Optimum hybrid maturity at various locations
01 Syngenta hybrid evaluation for silage
01 Prairie Hybrids evaluation for silage
Planting systems
02 Plant density
03 Date of planting
Wisconsin Crop Rotation Trials
09 Alfalfa-Corn
09 Corn-Soybean
09 Corn-Soybean-Wheat
09 Alfalfa-Corn-Oat-Soybean-Wheat
Pest control
10 Xyway fungicide
Product evaluation
11 Elicit - Best a (biostimulant-phytosterol)
Soil fertility
12 Envita
Plant variability
16 Sweet corn defoliation
19 Agrosystems - Fractional replication
We have done our best to see that the experiment design and data collection to date is complete, timely and free from errors. However, if you detect an error in these results, please call it to our attention. These reports are copyrighted. The information presented in these reports are for the purpose of informing farmers and cooperators in industry of the results of research. The cooperation of other faculty and staff and the support of funding agencies and industry are gratefully acknowledged. The information presented in this report does not constitute recommendation or endorsement.